The cost of living crisis has led to further calls for more joint working between charities. 

db associates are strong advocates for partnerships between organisations, but also realists about what this means in practice. There can be significant benefits in service delivery, income generation and economies of scale, But the cultural and operational challenges involved should not be underestimated. 

There are a wide range of options in regard to partnership working, from the ad-hoc and short term to the permanent and formal. The La Piana Collaborative Map clearly shows this spectrum. There are also approaches that ensure that sensitivities and concerns can be aired.

We have considerable experience working with charities on collaborative initiatives. In one project, we evaluated the potential impact on income generation and marketing for two children's hospices considering a merger. Owing to client confidentiality, we cannot reveal their identities. However, one of the CEO’s involved said, 

‘David produced a very thorough report based on evidenced financial analysis and appreciation of the potential cultural and operational impact of a merger. His findings and recommendations were extremely beneficial in enabling us to consider future options.’  

Whatever your objectives and approach to partnership working, using an experienced and independent and knowledgeable third party to support the process can be of great benefit. Please contact us if you want to talk further. 

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